


来源:郑州英途出国留学培训机构 发布时间:2015/11/3 15:48:27



英途外语创办于2008年8月,是一所以成人英语口语培训为主的英语培训机构。旨在为的英语学习和爱好者提供高质量的英语培训课程。英途外语培训中心,一个致力于将自身打造成为一个专业、个性同时拥有家的温馨的英语培训机构。 我们创造了一个如同置身海外的英语学习氛围和真实的英语母语环境,在与中外教面对面授课、 面对面沟通彼此文化风俗,以及在各种不同场合的交流模拟中迅速提高您的英语综合能力。 为了帮助您学习和准确的应用英语,我们了整套完善的教学方法和配套的教材,将英语的教与学很好的融合于交流、教学、游戏和户外活动中,营造英语的学习环境,使您能和其他学员一起与外教充分的交流沟通。以使学员真正感受到学习英语的乐趣和英语在生活中的实用性。另外,我们还为学员开设了0元的英语会话多元课程。针对不同主题内容进行口语交流,让学员充分了解英语系的民族风情,国际礼仪以及生活习惯。 英途拥有的教学环境和丰富多彩的课程设置,加上配合置身海外的学习氛围,一定会使您的学习更加生动有趣,从而在轻松愉悦的气氛中迅速提高您的英语水平。

The English Way culture The English Way is an upscale adult-oriented oral English training institution. Aiming at providing high quality English training courses to Chinese English learners and lovers, The English Way committed itself with all its efforts into forging a professional, unique and yet home-like English training institute. Combining overseas and domestic study environments we created an actual English-learning atmosphere in which you can communicate face to face, in different situations, with our foreign and Chinese teachers about cultures and customs from different countries while rapidly improve your comprehensive abilities. To assist you in learning and applying English accurately, we initiated a full-fledged and well-designed teaching method and textbooks. We combined teaching and learning with communications, instructions, game plays and outdoor activities, and built an English-learning environment where you can communicate and exchange notes with foreign teachers and other learners and feel the joy and pleasure of learning English and applying it into real life. In addition, we also set up complimentary multi-cultural conversational classes for our students where they can communicate on different subject contents and get to know thoroughly the folk customs and culture, international etiquettes and living habits of European and American countries. With the help of foreign languages we can embrace the outside world and bring it closer to us.



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